What’s it Take to Get There

What’s it Take to Get There you might ask yourself.  That is to get to heaven.  I want to show you two sides to the story:

A Very, Very Wealthy Lady

There once was a very, very wealthy lady.   One day, her Rollys Royce broke down along the road and she was between a rock and a hard place.   She wouldn’t ordinarily stop at this run-down coffee shop, but she had to.  Otherwise, her new expensive high heels would get broken on the hard rocky road.   She wasn’t about to walk back home in them.  They cost her a pretty penny so she bit her lip and decided to bite the bullet and just go in.  But,  she looked down and she was wearing a very expensive diamond ring, just one of many, and she decided that she’d better pull off this expensive ring and other jewelry not wanting to draw attention to herself.   She was one of those affluent people and someone might recognize her.   She got out of her Rollys Royce, looked around for any shady characters that might be hiding in the shadows and decided to go in.    You know when you have that much wealth, (I was told it was about 3 billion dollars or so) you get kind of paranoid.  Not trusting others anymore.    After she got inside the coffee shop she sat down, and asked the waitress for some coffee.   She didn’t want to feel like a free loader.  And, then asked the waitress if she could use her phone.  (she forgot hers believe it or not)  She figured her ole’ Rolls Royce would never break down.   She glanced to the right-hand side and saw what looked like a homeless man sitting there also drinking a cup of coffee.

Homeless Man

He used to have a professional job and family, but they didn’t need an old engineer anymore.  He was too old.  He didn’t have much money, just some government assistance,  and his wife had left him for another.  He was pretty much down and out.

The wealthy lady she had so much money that she formed different foundations in her name, and other stuff and set up some charity for others.  She liked to give to others for a write off but also because she figured that God would give her favor.   She never had a deep down personal relationship with God.  You see, she figured that she could actualy buy her way into Heaven.

The homeless man on the other hand who had nothing was just sitting there talking to the Lord.  He was telling him that he was sorry for not living his life the way he should have and he was saying to the Lord, I want to be a better man.  He then said to the Lord.  I don’t have nothing to give you like that pretty lady next to me, but Jesus, I love you with ALL my heart.  Dear Lord that is all I have left to give you is my love, and until the day I die, I will love you Lord with ALL my heart.  Please forgive me for all my sins.  I am sorry for all of them.  Please forgive me, I love you Jesus.

You see Jesus loves you with ALL his heart.  Not just a part of it, but all of it.

You see my friend, it doesn’t matter what you have, but where your HEART is that’s what matters to the Lord.   ALL the money in the whole wide world is Gods to begin with.  Why does he want more?  More of what?  Money and wealth is worthless in his eyes and Kingdom.   Money to Jesus isn’t important.  What  is important though is when you give your heart to Jesus that’s what is important to him.

So, next time you see someone whom you think has it all, my friend, think again and you will be the wiser.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She’s just speaking from her heart.




If I Didn’t Hear About Jesus. . . .

If I didn’t hear and learn about Jesus where would I be?   I know some people don’t even know anything about him.  No one ever told them about Jesus.  Jesus is this fiction tale to some.  To others he just doesn’t exist.   I am so grateful that my Grandpa used to read that Bible to me and my family every night.

What would I have turned out like if it wasn’t for Jesus.  I bet I wouldn’t be here right now typing these words.  Would I be on the streets?  Would I be mean to people? Would I hurt people because I might have felt hurt inside?  Would I be hooked on some bad addiction just to try and find some happiness in this world?  Would I have hurt myself?  Would I have an emptiness inside of me and say to myself is this all there is?  Would I have given up just because.

Many times people just wander around wondering what they are here for?  No one has taken the time to tell them about Jesus.  Oh, they might have heard a little bit of him, but he’s like this unapproachable entity.  They don’t know that he’s available 24 x 7 for them.  All they have to do is to ask him into their heart.  But, they don’t know how.  If this sounds like you, just say his name out loud and all you have to say is Jesus come into my heart and life.    He’s there waiting for you, now and forevermore.

Thank God, I have Jesus, and you can too.  Remember just ask.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just speaks from her heart.

Put Others First

Have you ever heard of anyone doing this?  My Uncle that raised me used to tell me “Put the other person first”.  Wow, what a thing to say.   In that small farm town, I learned to put the other person first.   When I moved to the big city I was told by a family member you’d better “Watch out for yourself” otherwise, how can you take care of or help others?  I can see the knowledge in both sayings.  I guess you have to take care of yourself otherwise if your sick, and down and out how can you help others?  But, yes you need to put someone else first other than yourself.

I say this because I see families falling apart when one spouse in a family unit decides to live life on their own terms and then the family breaks up.  Instead, why don’t they just think of the other spouse first and try and meet their needs and wants.   We all get tempted in this life, otherwise we wouldn’t be human, but to me it’s better to think of others first.   Don’t always put yourself first.

In life try to be a peacemaker.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.

Are you Real?

I am a real person.  I wanted to share with you different things about me and my family.  I’m very real.  I love others.   I want everyone to go to heaven.  I want everyone to be blessed with the Holy Spirit.     To me that’s almost all there is.   It’s that important.  This isn’t all that there is down here on earth.  There’s more ahead for you and your family and it’s grand.

It’s always been a passion of mine that everyone should go to heaven.  Let no one not go, but of course we’ve all fallen short of the glory of God.    We all need Jesus and what he has to offer, and that is everlasting life.

When I think of just even one person not going to heaven, I just want to cry.  I care that much.

Sometimes when I walk into a restaurant or some public place I ask Jesus to bless everyone with his holy spirit.  I really do.  I really mean it.   The holy spirit is for real.  You see Jesus really is alive, and I hope and pray that he blesses you with the holy spirit if you haven’t been yet.  You won’t be the same I promise you that.



Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.

You Can Live On

People can say what they want about you.  They can curse you, spit on you, literally wipe you out.  But, you will live on and on no matter what.   You can lose your body, your life, and be gone, but you are never really gone.  You soul lives on no matter what happens to your body.

I can remember going to the hospital and just pulling up in my car to see my Dad.  As I was just pulling up I could feel my Dad’s spirit leaving his body.   I kid you not.  I really could.  They told me as I got into the hospital room that my Dad had just passed away.  I already knew it.  I could just feel it.  He’s finally free from the cancer that was wiping out his body.  He was finally free again.   He can go to Heaven and meet with all his family members that have passed along before him.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:   Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She’s just speaking from hear heart.

Think No One Cares Think Again. . .

Jesus cares so much for you.   Don’t ever think that nobody cares for you.   He loves you so much.  You have a purpose in life.  You have a future and he wants to be a part of it.  You can’t usually see him in a physical form, but oftentimes you can feel his presence.  His presence that you feel is the Holy Spirit.

I want you to know that the Holy Spirit is alive and well.  I have gone to different churches to worship.  I believe there is only one Jesus, and  I myself have been blessed with the Holy Spirit more than once. If you’ve never been to one of these services you might not know what I’m talking about.   You have to experience it to understand what I’m talking about.  It’s real.  It’s Jesus.  

Jesus is such a comforter.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.   She just wants to speak from her heart.

Ask for Forgiveness. . .

You know we’ve all fallen short of the Glory of God.  We’re all sinners.  Some people have done really, really bad things in their life.  They think that Jesus will never forgive them.  Never say never.  Just ask Jesus into your heart and ask him to forgive your sins.  It’s never too late.

You might think to yourself that Jesus will never forgive you.  Don’t fall for that trap.  Just ask him to forgive you and repent for your sins.  Jesus loves to hear from us.  Jesus wants you to come to him.  Believe me he’s really there for you.  Don’t be ashamed of what you’ve done.  Don’t think that it’s the end.  It’s not.

He’s waiting for you. . . . .


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.

Grab Onto Something You Can Hold Onto

Grab onto something you can hold onto reminds me of the word of God.  Our bodies will fail us in the end.   I’ve been through Hospice many times with four  of  my family members and I don’t remember any of them taking any material possessions with them.  They had to leave everything here for others.

The words of our Savior are so priceless, and they never pass away.  They lead us to do what is right for us.  They are comforting and helpful to us.    The words were written by the greatest man on earth.

When people read the words of God in their bibles these words will go on and on forever.  In this life we need something to grab onto.  Something that is truth and real.  Something that never goes away.   The words of God is that something.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.


Do You Want to Live Forever. . .

Do you want to live forever?  Do you wish that you would never pass away when you leave this earth?  You know, your soul never dies.  Your soul lives on.   You see when you give your heart and life to Jesus you will live on forever in his Kingdom.  He gives us everlasting life.     He really does.  It’s for REAL.

Just ask Jesus into your heart, make him your Lord and Savior.  Ask him to forgive you for whatever you’ve done in the past.  You will become a new person.  Jesus is life . . . . . . . .


Author:  Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She is just speaking from her heart.

I Crave for More and More. . . .

My friend what do you crave?  What can’t you get enough of?  Does it leave you yearning for more and more?  Do you wonder when it will ever end?   You know it’s bad for you,  but you keep trying or doing it anyways?  Do you cry yourself to sleep at night wishing the nightmare would end?

Jesus was tempted in his last hours. He knows what it’s like to be tempted.   That is one reason I can say I want to be more like Jesus.  He was so strong and knew what he had to do.   You just have to be disciplined and do what’s right.  Not always just what you want to do especially if it’s harmful to you.   I want to be more like Jesus, I really do.  He’s our Father in Heaven and when we need someone, I mean really need someone, we can call on him be it day or night, 24 hours x 7.  Forever.  He’s there for you and he can give you the Love and Strength to get better.  Give yourself to him totally.  You won’t be sorry, he’s here for you right now.  You don’t need an invitation to call upon him.  Just ask him into your heart.  Don’t be afraid he loves you and will always love you, forever and ever.


Author Billie Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.