How Many Dogs?

I have to ask myself how can anyone not believe in God?   I looked up on the internet how many dogs there were?   I couldn’t believe the list.  It went on and on and on.  How many are there?   I’d say too many.   All those different dogs Jesus created in the beginning of time.

I have to think to myself that some people don’t believe in God.  Really.  That’s true.  They think that there never was a God who created everything in the earth.

I myself don’t know of anyone here on this earth, no matter how smart they are, could create all the different dogs that Jesus created in the beginning of time?  Could anyone here just create a small part of what God created when he created this earth?

Let’s even put all the geniuses together in one room and ask them to create all the species of just dogs that Jesus did in just a few days and see what would happen.  I’ll tell you what would happen.  Nothing.

Now, just so you know, I’m not talking about a clone.  I’m talking about the real thing.

Next, try and look at the whole picture.   Creating all the dogs was just part of the picture.  What about the rest of the story.   How in this world could any of us do what he did?  Nada Nada.  That’s the truth.

Did you ever wonder who really created the bright sun that shines?  The vast huge ocean?  The thunderstorm, the volcano, the fire, the wind, the snow,  the rainbow, the rivers,  the cry of a little newborn entering the world for the first time.

Where did all this come from?  Man?  I think not.   Man was created by God.  Lest we forget.  There’s only one man that could have done all this.   He came humbly to earth for a short time to try and connect with us to show us how to live and love each other.

There’s only one man who could have created all of this and he’s not of this world.    Thank you Jesus for creating all of this down here on earth and for all your love that you give to us.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:   Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She’s just speaking from her heart.


There Was a Very Rich Man

There was a very rich man, but he didn’t know about Jesus.   So rich you couldn’t touch him.   He had so much money that during the stock market crash a few years ago he lost billions.   I can’t image losing billions of dollars.

I wonder what Jesus thinks about that.   So many people nowadays are having trouble putting food on the table.   Little children are street smart living in the streets without food, shelter, or parental guidance.   Older people are hurting too.  They can hardly make it, but many are too proud to ask for help.

What if those billions that the billionaire lost would have been given to the poor or people in need?   Yes, it would have gone from the billionaire’s hands to the poor, but can you think of any better place to lose the money?  I say lose the money.  Once the billionaire lost billions it was gone, nada nada.  Just plain gone.   Too late to give it to anyone.

But, how many lives would have been changed, if the billionaire would have just shared some of his money.   No, I don’t mean foundations and places where he would receive adoration in return, but just to help those that really need help in return.

Jesus could have lived on this earth with all knowing arrogance.  He could have traveled around to speak to the people showing a man of wealth, but Jesus came to offer love and peace in a humble manner.  He didn’t put on airs, and he didn’t tell everybody how great he was.  He just is.   When you have it ALL you don’t have to tell anyone, or brag about how great you are.  It’s evident, it’s apparent, how great our Lord is.   He just is.   He’s the Greatest Man that ever lived.   He’s the beginning and the end forever and ever.

If only the billionaire would have known about Jesus.  How many lives would have been changed?

This story is fictional, but may very well happen in real life.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She’s just speaking from her heart.

Sin Separates Me From God

When I know I’ve sinned, I feel myself being pulled away from God.  I know in my heart that I am sinning, so I don’t want to be around God anymore.  I don’t feel worthy.   I have to stop sinning and be more like Jesus.  He’s the one to follow in this life.

He gave us the 10 Commandments.  What for?  Just so we could break them?  Everybody is breaking the 10 Commandments nowadays, yea, I see it all the time.  People lie, people run around with others and commit sin.  It seems like everything is permissible nowadays.

Did you know that Jesus didn’t give us the 10 Commandments to be mean to us?  Did you know that he loves us and wanted to save us from hurt and grief in this world?  How complicated lives are nowadays after sin.   There is more chaos and many, many people get hurt real bad when people sin.  Why is it so hard to just try and live the life that Jesus wants us to live?   He LOVES us so much that he tried to give us a plan to follow so that we may have a good life while we are here, but instead we try to live our life on our own terms.

My friend, are you walking on the dark side of life.  Do you wish you would walk in the light instead.  It’s never too late.  Change your ways, give yourself to Jesus.   Ask him to forgive you for your sins, repent, and just talk to Jesus.  You don’t have to say any fancy words, or feel bad about anything.  Just talk to him.  He understands all languages and all kinds of talk.  He’s your creator and knows you better than anyone else.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just speaks from her heart.


Years ago I was working in the financial field.  A friend of mine and I would work together setting up stands in various places to try and help people with their finances.    She and I were really good friends.  She was an inspiration to me.  If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have been able to get up in front of a group and do a financial presentation without being afraid.  She told me I could do it and I did.

But, during one of the times that we were together she made a statement that has stuck in my mind forever.  I heard her comment to someone that this financial program is for ALL.   You see Jesus’ program is for ALL too.  It’s not just for some of the people, but for ALL the people.

You see Jesus doesn’t look at who you are, what you look like, what you have, what you do for a living.  Jesus looks at your heart.   My friend where is your heart right now?   Do you know Jesus?  Do you know where you came from?  Do you know where you’re going to go when you leave this earth?

Jesus’ love and salvation is for ALL.   Not just for some.   Whoever is reading this, now is the time to give your heart to Jesus.  He’s been waiting for you to come to him, right here, right now.  No one loves you more than him.  He will never fail you.  Give your heart to him, repent of any sins that you may have and accept his unconditional love for you.   He’s been waiting for you.

You are a child of God.  You are loved.  Accept his love for you.  You will feel his love in return if you just ask.

I hope you give your heart to Jesus.  He’s still waiting for you.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She’s just speaking from her heart.

What is a Soul

To me a soul is an entity that you can’t see.    It is an entity that God gave each and every one of us while we are here down on earth.  It’s the real us.  It’s what goes on after our body dies and fails us.

You see while we are here on earth we have a body that our Lord gave us.  We aren’t just bones but bones and flesh.  So, what happens when we die and pass on from this earth.  What is left?   Our soul is left.  Our soul cannot be destroyed by anyone or anything.  It lives on and on with or without a body.  It never dies.

Ask yourself this question:  when all else is gone what is left of you?  That’s right your soul.   And, your soul lives on forever.

What Happens to our Soul When we Die

When we die here on earth our soul goes back to Heaven.    That is why it’s so important for you to know where your soul will end up at the end of time.   You see Jesus loves you with ALL his heart and he wants your soul to return to heaven to be with him again.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She is just speaking from her heart.

One Lost Soul

What’s a lost soul to Jesus?    EVERYTHING.   Yes, everything.   Jesus has a heart that is so big, filled with so much love for you, that if you saw it, felt it, heard it pounding you would realize that he is your ALL for now and evermore.   Everything else comes second.   Your family should come second,  your job, your worldly possessions all come after that.

Why do I say this because everything originally came from God.  Even you.  Jesus should come first.  There is nothing else to even consider.  He should be your Number 1 for ever and ever.

You should look at him as your heavenly father, your counselor, your best friend, the one that is there no matter who else leaves you in this life.   He is always there for you.

You see when I was growing up, every time I got used to having a family someone would pass away, my grandmother, my mom after I had just got to know her, then as I got older my aunts and uncles that were close to me and my birth dad all passed away.  What is left?  Yes I have my own family now, but the people that I formerly loved so much are all gone.  Where did they go?  What are they doing now?  Why did they all leave me.   What does my future hold?  Where am I going to go when I leave this earth?

From the moment I was born until the day I die, my Jesus is with me.  Do you see why he should come first?  If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have had all the family that I had, and I wouldn’t have an inkling of what the future would hold, and if there would even be one.

If it wasn’t for my Jesus, who comes first in my life, then I might be one of those lost souls.  I might be wondering what am I doing here and I might feel hopeless.  You see I have so much hope in my future that it’s scary.  I know that my Jesus loves me with ALL his heart.  No not just a part of it, but all of it.  That’s all I need to know to make it through this life that he has given me.  I don’t worry about broken promises from others, I don’t worry about them leaving me because I have someone from a higher power that has my life in his hands and I am so grateful to him for all he has done for me.  I know what my purpose is in this life.  It is to share Jesus’ LOVE to others so that they might know how much he loves them.   With ALL his HEART.  That’s all.    No more, no less.  He loves you with ALL his HEART.

He doesn’t look at your past failures, or your heart that has turned cold because someone has hurt you so badly and you can’t forget and you can’t forgive no matter what.  Maybe you’ve done something so bad that you know he won’t look past what you’ve done. Maybe your whole family and friends have turned away from you because of something that you’ve done either now or in the past.  Remember they are only human themselves.  Maybe they don’t know how else to act or behave towards you.   Just pray for them.

I believe in my heart too that people can change if they want to.  People don’t have to go on in life hating themselves and others.

Let me share something with you.  Jesus doesn’t look at you and just see your past mistakes.  He sees you as his child.  A child that only he created.  A child that he wants to teach, watch over, see you evolve into a beautiful loving individual, and simply give you his love.   He knows you’ve been hurting for a long, long time.

Ask Jesus for his forgiveness.  Ask him into your heart now and always.  Ask him to open the doors that are closed be it your heart, others hearts towards you, etc.   Let him be the Lord and Master of your life.  You will be surprised what happens once you do that.  Others might not be there for you, but he’s always there for you.

All you have to do is ask.  May Jesus enter your life now and forever more, amen.


Billie Jean Kotulski is not a minister.  She is just speaking from her heart.




Feeling Afraid and Alone?

Feeling afraid and alone.    Once and awhile, I will get this feeling of aloneness.  Being all alone and kind of afraid.   It doesn’t happen much but once and awhile and then I am reminded that I will never be alone and never have to be afraid of anything.   My Jesus is always with me.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re on an island all by yourself.   Do you have family around you, but they are too submerged in their own life that you feel like they don’t even see or hear you.

It’s almost Christmas time, and people are going to and fro with their shopping and maybe you feel like your family and friends should just stop long enough to give you some of their time.

There is one man who walked this earth long ago that can give you all his time 24 x 7 and forever.   He went to Heaven and left behind his Holy Spirit to be with us always and to comfort us, and especially in our time of need.

I myself can’t imagine living in this world the way it is without knowing about Jesus and his Holy Spirit.    The Holy Spirit is alive and well in me, and you don’t need to feel alone especially at this time of the year.

Christmas is one of the most important times of the year to me.  When Jesus was born that is the one of the best gifts that our almighty God could have given us.

So, next time you start to feel scared or alone, I want you to remember that you are never alone and should never be scared because Jesus is with you always and forevermore.

To read more about the Holy Spirit John 14:16.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Jean Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to share things from her heart.



You’ve Hurt Me Really Bad. . . .

Someone has hurt me really bad.  I feel so bad.  I just want to retaliate or hurt them back.   It’s not right what they’ve done to me.

No one is going to do that to me ever again. . . . . .  Does this sound like something you would say.

I myself have been hurt a lot by others.  It hurts, it hurts real bad. 

You know if this is you and you’ve been hurt real bad instead of wanting to retaliate or hurt them back just remember to be kind to them.    The best thing you can do for them and you is to Pray for them.

Sometimes people will hurt us real bad because they themselves are hurting real bad.  They lash out at us, and, we’re like what the heck is wrong with them?    Remember that Jesus liked the peacemakers.    Who wants to go to Heaven and have everybody fighting and not getting along with others.  What kind of Heaven would that be?  Remember, it takes two to argue.

Do you know how hard it is to lash out to someone who gives and shows you love in return?

The greatest man that lived on this earth was put on the cross and he died for our sins.  He was hurt so bad, but he still showed us his love up until the bitter end.

I don’t know who has hurt you either now or in the past, but just let it go.  Give it to Jesus.  Forgive whoever has hurt you, and just pray for them.

And, if someone has hurt you in the past you need to just let it go otherwise it will eat you up inside.  You see I myself know how short life can be as I was almost killed in an automobile accident when I was younger, and I myself have forgiven others that have hurt me real bad and I’ve given it all to Jesus.

Instead of wanting to hurt someone back, just forgive them, pray for them and just give it to Jesus.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:   Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to speak from her heart.


I’m Unforgivable. . . .

You see I feel unforgivable.   I’ve done the worst of the worst.   No one and not even Jesus will ever forgive me for what I’ve done.    Because what I’ve done is so, so bad.

Don’t ever let this be you.   All you have to do is ask for forgiveness.  Jesus is alive and real.  He’s there for you 24 x 7, every day of the year and forever.

He’s even seen the worst sin that could ever happen in this world.   You see the world is his.  It really is.  We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Jesus.  You wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be here.

Did you commit the ultimate worse sin that anyone could have ever committed.  Do you wish you could take it back.  Do you wish you could be loved and forgiven.

Then, you’ve come to the right place at the right time.  Jesus is here for you now and forevermore until the end of time.

Just acknowledge your sin to Jesus and ask him for his mercy and forgiveness.

Jesus to me is my Heavenly Father in Heaven, but he’s here always in my heart.  I walk around with his Holy Spirit inside of me.  He’s alive and well, my friend, and all you have to do is to ask him into your heart.

Before you were born, he loved you with all his heart.  And, his love is not just a plain love.  It’s unconditional love.  The love of a real Father.

We are all his children and he’s our heavenly Father.  But, he’s here now and real and if you have unconfessed sin right now, just ask Jesus into your heart and ask him to forgive you.   He’s been waiting for you for a long, long time.

If you don’t know what to say to him, just ask him to forgive you and ask him into your heart.    Once you do this, you will never want to go back to living the same life that you have been living.  Do not think that your sin is the worse sin that anyone has ever committed.   Remember my friend, Jesus has seen it all and I mean even the worse sin.  Don’t be afraid to ask him into your heart now and forever.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She is just speaking from her heart.

A Christmas Gift

It was almost Christmas time, and there was a God fearing man and his family whose children needed some Christmas presents.  It’s been a hard year for them.    Their last pennies went into the offering at church and there wasn’t really anything left to give to their children.

So, the mother looked around her sparse kitchen and saw two plastic containers that she had left from coffee.   She thought long and hard what she could do.  So, she finally thought, well, I’ve got some bows and ribbon and I would use these plastic containers and fill them up with candy canes and some homemade cookies and then put ribbons and bows on them for the children.  So, that is what she did.

Now, it was Christmas eve and the family was sitting around in their living room together enjoying their old fireplace.  The wind was blowing outside and the children were excited about Christmas.

While they were all there together enjoying everybody’s company a presence made itself known to all.  They could feel a  love and warmth that wasn’t just coming from the fireplace as they felt a Heavenly presence enter the dimly lit room.

They looked and saw an angel that appeared before them.  The angel stood about 7 feet high and smelled of frankincense and myrrh.  When they took it all in they saw a tint of blue mist that formed around the big bright white angel wings.

The family thought they’d died and gone to heaven.  This angelic presence was almost more than they could take.   The angel spoke in a large clear voice. as it said to them I’ve come from the most high to give you a present that you can cherish at this Christmas time.  The angel then waived his hand over the old rug they had before them.  What happened next is nothing short of a miracle.

They saw a simple manger scene with a small baby and his mother and father gazing lovingly at him.

Then they each got a message from the Holy Sprit that this little baby wasn’t just any baby.  He was going to save the world, and his name was “Jesus”.

You see God gave us the best Christmas present  that he could at this Christmas time and forever and that is his son Jesus.

That little baby born in the manger would bring everlasting life to all.

The family members then looked at each other and began weeping as they realized that this was the best Christmas present that they could have received at Christmas time.

You see, my friend, Christmas time isn’t how many presents you receive for yourself or others, but it’s about Jesus being born.  He was born to give us everlasting life.



Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Part of this story is fictional, but the part of this story that is real is that Jesus really was born in a manger to give us everlasting life.

Also, Billie Kotulski is not a minister.  She is just speaking from her heart.