I used to go to a small church where there were only so many members. There were children and they were of different ages I tried to help keep the church alive by teaching Sunday school lessons. I would go to the christian store and purchase little books, and other things to teach my Sunday school class. As I stated above there were children of different ages so I had to try and make the classes so that everyone would enjoy them. I had them make projects and read to them Bible stories. When it was time for a Christmas program we put one on with the children. It was a lot of fun. I tried to do what I could to help keep the church alive, but in the end it succumbed and passed away. That is why pastors always ask church members to bring someone. You have to try and keep a church going and growing, otherwise, it could end up like this church.
You know a church is really people getting together and studying and praising the Lord. God’s church must grow and keep going. One way you could help spread Jesus’ love for everyone is when you meet someone even if it’s for the first time you could say a little something uplifting to them. What I try to say to people when I talk to them even if it’s a stranger on the phone is “Have a Blessed Day”. “Have a Blessed Weekend”. People need to know that you care. People need to know that Jesus loves them.
When you speak to someone and you Bless them, you are doing Jesus’ works. There was a gentleman whom I spoke to on the phone regarding business and he said to me Have a Blessed Day. I felt blessed. I think it’s one of the people that I had talked to earlier and he was just reblessing me.
Even if you give them some kind of acknowledgement to share Jesus’ blessing it keeps him alive in people’s hearts. Don’t let Jesus’ love for people pass away from their hearts like that little church that passed away.
Jesus is alive and well and don’t be afraid to let others know about him by sharing his love even if it’s just saying to them “Have a Blessed Day”. You never know whose heart you might touch.
My friend, I hope and pray that you have a “Blessed Day”, and more to come, in Jesus’ name amen.
Billie Jean Kotulski
Disclosure: Billie Jean Kotulski is not a minister. She’s just speaking from her heart.