Our Beloved Barney

There once was a farmer named Farmer Smith.   He was so proud of his big farm, 8 children, loving wife and hundreds of fine distinctive horses.   Many of his horses he would take to horse shows and they would place 1st place.

But on this particular day, the sun was shining brightly in the morning distributing its rays all over the farm where Farmer Smith, his wife and his children were gathered.  You see one of their horses was having a baby foal.     Farmer Smith pulled up a chair for him and his wife and the children were all gathered around some standing and the smaller children were sitting on blankets.   They were all amazed as the baby horse was being delivered.  This was a special day as all the children were here for this particular delivery.   It was hard to gather them all together sometimes as many of them had chores to do, so this was a special day indeed.

Well, the baby horse (foal) was delivered, and you should have heard the little children scream with delight.     The baby horse that was born was such a beautiful little one.  He had long dark hair and was so beautiful.   The little children named him Barney after their beloved guinea pig pet that they used to have.  Now, that’s another story.  But, even Farmer Smith saw potential in him even though he was just a little foal yet.  The horse reminded him of one of his best horses that won more than one horse show.  He wondered what great things this particular horse would do. The little children never seen such a beautiful horse before.  They too had hope for his future as a great show horse.

The first year went along and the horse became a yearling until he became a big horse (a colt) and was able to go to the horse show.  Now Barney was the favorite of the family.  Farmer Smith, his wife and children didn’t want to show favoritism, but Barney was the one.

Barney did indeed become the greatest horse that Farmer Smith ever showed.  Barney won the most awards and Farmer Smith was very proud.  Barney won three 1st place prizes at the horse show year after year.  But after three years all that changed and so did Barney.

One day,  in the Fall, one of the little children noticed that Barney wasn’t drinking water anymore.   All the rest of the horses were okay, but Barney had a problem, he just didn’t want to drink anymore.   Now, Farmer Smith, Mrs. Smith and all the 8 children would do everything they could to get Barney to drink water.  They would take turns leading Barney to the water trough, and each time Barney would turn up his nose at the water.

Ever hear the expression “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink?” 1175 Old English Homilies. 

Barney just decided one day that he wasn’t going to drink water anymore.  Barney was just giving up.  Farmer Smith, his wife and children didn’t want to give up on him, but they’ve all tried to lead Barney to the well and tried so hard to get him to drink that they didn’t want to give up, but after awhile they saw how fruitless it was.  ‘Ole Barney just didn’t drink any water anymore.   As the days went on Barney got more and more weak.  He was looking so pale and worn out.  Farmer Smith, his wife and children were very worried about Barney.  They kept leading him to water, but he wouldn’t drink.

One sad day, Barney couldn’t even be led to the water trough.  He was too weak.  Barney’s time had run out.   You could hear Farmer Smith, his wife and especially the little children were all sobbing out loud.  It was the saddest day on the farm.  Even the other horses seemed to slow down too.  You see animals feel pain in others and it was reflected on the whole mood of the farm.  Then the next day Barney succumbed.  It was all over.  It was too late now.  Barney just wouldn’t drink water even though everyone tried to get him to drink some water.

You see, how many times did your family, your children or others try to lead you to the water of everlasting life?   How many times did you turn your head the other way, turn around and walk away when they tried to tell you about Jesus and how God sent him here to save souls and offer all everlasting life?   Does this sound like you?  Don’t be like the horse that wouldn’t drink when he was led to the water trough.    You know what I’m talking about.

Listen, today is a new day for you.  God had a special plan for you.  It’s never too late to turn around, go back and drink from the water of everlasting life.  That’s right it’s never too late not even for you.

Listen to those that are around you.  Jesus talks to us sometimes through other people.  Yes, I kid you not.   Sometimes he leans heavily on a heart and that is why they try to lead you to Jesus.  But, sometimes we are stubborn and don’t want to listen.  Sometimes we even think that we know better.   My friend, I know from personal experience that Jesus is alive and well, and there is a reason that you are reading this particular story.  He’s speaking to you about everlasting life.  Are you listening?  Are you ready to be saved or are you going to go on with your life aimlessly wandering around, but not having any personal plan for your life.  Now is the time to point your life in the right direction.  Jesus is all around you here and now.  Just open up your heart to him and let him be the Lord of your life.  I hope you don’t end up like Barney.  His family all tried to get him to drink water from the trough, but he was so stubborn and just decided to stop drinking his water.

May whomever is reading this story drink from Jesus’ fountain of life.  In Jesus’ name amen.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Kotulski is not a minister she’s just speaking from her heart.