When I know I’ve sinned, I feel myself being pulled away from God. I know in my heart that I am sinning, so I don’t want to be around God anymore. I don’t feel worthy. I have to stop sinning and be more like Jesus. He’s the one to follow in this life.
He gave us the 10 Commandments. What for? Just so we could break them? Everybody is breaking the 10 Commandments nowadays, yea, I see it all the time. People lie, people run around with others and commit sin. It seems like everything is permissible nowadays.
Did you know that Jesus didn’t give us the 10 Commandments to be mean to us? Did you know that he loves us and wanted to save us from hurt and grief in this world? How complicated lives are nowadays after sin. There is more chaos and many, many people get hurt real bad when people sin. Why is it so hard to just try and live the life that Jesus wants us to live? He LOVES us so much that he tried to give us a plan to follow so that we may have a good life while we are here, but instead we try to live our life on our own terms.
My friend, are you walking on the dark side of life. Do you wish you would walk in the light instead. It’s never too late. Change your ways, give yourself to Jesus. Ask him to forgive you for your sins, repent, and just talk to Jesus. You don’t have to say any fancy words, or feel bad about anything. Just talk to him. He understands all languages and all kinds of talk. He’s your creator and knows you better than anyone else.
Author Billie Jean Kotulski
Disclosure: Billie Kotulski is not a minister. She just speaks from her heart.