What’s a lost soul to Jesus? EVERYTHING. Yes, everything. Jesus has a heart that is so big, filled with so much love for you, that if you saw it, felt it, heard it pounding you would realize that he is your ALL for now and evermore. Everything else comes second. Your family should come second, your job, your worldly possessions all come after that.
Why do I say this because everything originally came from God. Even you. Jesus should come first. There is nothing else to even consider. He should be your Number 1 for ever and ever.
You should look at him as your heavenly father, your counselor, your best friend, the one that is there no matter who else leaves you in this life. He is always there for you.
You see when I was growing up, every time I got used to having a family someone would pass away, my grandmother, my mom after I had just got to know her, then as I got older my aunts and uncles that were close to me and my birth dad all passed away. What is left? Yes I have my own family now, but the people that I formerly loved so much are all gone. Where did they go? What are they doing now? Why did they all leave me. What does my future hold? Where am I going to go when I leave this earth?
From the moment I was born until the day I die, my Jesus is with me. Do you see why he should come first? If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have had all the family that I had, and I wouldn’t have an inkling of what the future would hold, and if there would even be one.
If it wasn’t for my Jesus, who comes first in my life, then I might be one of those lost souls. I might be wondering what am I doing here and I might feel hopeless. You see I have so much hope in my future that it’s scary. I know that my Jesus loves me with ALL his heart. No not just a part of it, but all of it. That’s all I need to know to make it through this life that he has given me. I don’t worry about broken promises from others, I don’t worry about them leaving me because I have someone from a higher power that has my life in his hands and I am so grateful to him for all he has done for me. I know what my purpose is in this life. It is to share Jesus’ LOVE to others so that they might know how much he loves them. With ALL his HEART. That’s all. No more, no less. He loves you with ALL his HEART.
He doesn’t look at your past failures, or your heart that has turned cold because someone has hurt you so badly and you can’t forget and you can’t forgive no matter what. Maybe you’ve done something so bad that you know he won’t look past what you’ve done. Maybe your whole family and friends have turned away from you because of something that you’ve done either now or in the past. Remember they are only human themselves. Maybe they don’t know how else to act or behave towards you. Just pray for them.
I believe in my heart too that people can change if they want to. People don’t have to go on in life hating themselves and others.
Let me share something with you. Jesus doesn’t look at you and just see your past mistakes. He sees you as his child. A child that only he created. A child that he wants to teach, watch over, see you evolve into a beautiful loving individual, and simply give you his love. He knows you’ve been hurting for a long, long time.
Ask Jesus for his forgiveness. Ask him into your heart now and always. Ask him to open the doors that are closed be it your heart, others hearts towards you, etc. Let him be the Lord and Master of your life. You will be surprised what happens once you do that. Others might not be there for you, but he’s always there for you.
All you have to do is ask. May Jesus enter your life now and forever more, amen.
Billie Jean Kotulski is not a minister. She is just speaking from her heart.