Feeling Afraid and Alone?

Feeling afraid and alone.    Once and awhile, I will get this feeling of aloneness.  Being all alone and kind of afraid.   It doesn’t happen much but once and awhile and then I am reminded that I will never be alone and never have to be afraid of anything.   My Jesus is always with me.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re on an island all by yourself.   Do you have family around you, but they are too submerged in their own life that you feel like they don’t even see or hear you.

It’s almost Christmas time, and people are going to and fro with their shopping and maybe you feel like your family and friends should just stop long enough to give you some of their time.

There is one man who walked this earth long ago that can give you all his time 24 x 7 and forever.   He went to Heaven and left behind his Holy Spirit to be with us always and to comfort us, and especially in our time of need.

I myself can’t imagine living in this world the way it is without knowing about Jesus and his Holy Spirit.    The Holy Spirit is alive and well in me, and you don’t need to feel alone especially at this time of the year.

Christmas is one of the most important times of the year to me.  When Jesus was born that is the one of the best gifts that our almighty God could have given us.

So, next time you start to feel scared or alone, I want you to remember that you are never alone and should never be scared because Jesus is with you always and forevermore.

To read more about the Holy Spirit John 14:16.


Author Billie Jean Kotulski

Disclosure:  Billie Jean Kotulski is not a minister.  She just wants to share things from her heart.