People can say what they want about you. They can curse you, spit on you, literally wipe you out. But, you will live on and on no matter what. You can lose your body, your life, and be gone, but you are never really gone. You soul lives on no matter what happens to your body.
I can remember going to the hospital and just pulling up in my car to see my Dad. As I was just pulling up I could feel my Dad’s spirit leaving his body. I kid you not. I really could. They told me as I got into the hospital room that my Dad had just passed away. I already knew it. I could just feel it. He’s finally free from the cancer that was wiping out his body. He was finally free again. He can go to Heaven and meet with all his family members that have passed along before him.
Author Billie Jean Kotulski
Disclosure: Billie Kotulski is not a minister. She’s just speaking from hear heart.